Request for an Owners Enhanced Benefits Proposal
Submitters Name
Submitters Email Address
Business Name
What type of business is it (LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp,) and what do they do, in detail?
If LLC, what is the tax status? (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Corporate)
How many owners and partners are there?
What are the names of the owners and partners?
Do the owners own any other businesses? Are they related to this business? Any common employees?
What is the approximate earned income for owners?
What is the average profit?
What is the average net income?
Are there currently any retirement plans in place? 401(k), SIMPLE or SEP?
Is there a match on that retirement plan? How does it work?
Do the owners/partners max out their contributions?
When we’re designing this plan, what is the most important solution that we want to solve for? (tax deduction and savings, catching up on building for retirement, adding benefits to retain and attract employees)?
When do the owners/partners intend to sell/close the business? How much longer do they want to work?
Would you like the plan to be used to remove profits from the company without taxes being paid on them?
If you were to sell now or in the future, would it be an outside buyer or an internal sale?
Do you expect cash flow to remain steady over the next three to five years?
Do you have any union employees?
First Name
Last Name
Self Employed
Percentage Owned (%)
Date of Birth
Date of Hire
Annual Compensation
Date of Termination
Job Description
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